Saturday, November 24, 2012


As always, order is more of a stream of conscious and is in no way indicative of my level of gratitude for said whatever. Also, just because something is not here doesn't mean I am not grateful for it, it merely means I didn't think of it before I hit 100.

1 - The gospel of Jesus Christ
2 - My testimony of the gospel
3 - My parents
4 - My siblings
5 - Dark chocolate
6 - The atonement
7 - My grandparents--both sides; who knew that 2 families so very different would both set such amazing examples in following the gospel
8 - My aunts and uncles and cousins
9 - the piano and all the lessons mom and dad paid for
10- the temple
11- my mission
12- my amazing missionary companions and mission presidents
13- my job at the rehab facility
14- my job with the kids--I love those little guys!
15- the scriptures
16- Seminary
17- Institute
18- tulips
19- the smells of Christmas: cinnamon, pine, and sugar cookies
20- french toast with boysenberry syrup
21- fresh towels out of the dryer
22- playing the viola
23- my AMAZING Spokane friends--I miss them almost daily
24- my car--she still has "lots of life in her" according to the professionals
25- watching football
26- running in the early evening when the families and kids and the sun are all still out
27- chocolate oatmeal caramel cookies--my favorite favorite
28- dryer sheets
29- CDs with the words printed on the inside so you can sing along
30- Blue jeans--bestest most comfortable pants there are
31- hugs. I LOVE a good hug
32- singing in the shower where the acoustics are the best
33- Spirit airline that lets me fly home for super cheap
34- my mom's obsession for frugality that I also inherited
35- blankets
36- wind, especially when it carries the smell of rain
37- my PB
38- the prophet
39- slipper socks--best foot cover there ever was
40- mint-chocolate flavored lip gloss
41- Joseph Smith and his courage
42- Open-faced extra-crunchy-low-fat-peanut-butter and honey sandwiches
43- Relief Society
44- my brand new perfect baby nephew
45- country music
46- Texas--my home
47- Tex the dog
48- Texas the pseudo-nation
49- skunk smell--one of my favorites
50- running barefoot in fresh cut grass
51- general conference
52- colors--especially purple
53- a body that can do what I need it to do
54- my bishopric and stake president
55- rainstorms
56- that we don't have to wear nylons anymore
57- that I grew up in a family where the gospel was the center
58- growing up protected from the influences of the world
59- computers
60- cell phones
61- my education and all the amazing people who helped me get here
62- high heels
63- cantalope
64- washing machines
65- electricity
66- Music
67- Jane Austen
68- laughing
69- smiling
70- brownies
72- easy-to-fix curly hair
73- medium rare steak
74- good vision so that I don't have to wear glasses
75- the smell of eggs cooking
76- Reading good books
77- Having a church I can go to every week
78- Happiness
79- agency
80- cold water--sooo refreshing!
81- Hope
82- prayer
83- springtime
84- the Holy Ghost
85- the woods in Vancouver
86- sleeping
87- chick flicks teehee
88- dancing like a wild woman when no one is watching
89- all the wonderful people I met during my travels last year
90- the sacrament
91- mascara because without it I look like a man
92- service
93- the sound of a child laughing
94- my parent's eternal marriage
95- sweet snap peas
96- Christmas music
97- clavicle--my favorite bone
98- fuzzy sweatshirts in the winter time
99- the sound of rain hitting my window
100-The grace of God that allows me to do things I never otherwise could dream of.

I am so blessed! Truly really, what a wonderful world God has given us, and what a wonderful life mine is.

Saturday, November 10, 2012


Some things shatter when they pretzel,
but Gumby ends up alright;
others stain in murky refuse
but ducks stay clean and white.
And darkness blinds and frightens others
while owls can see at night.

Rubber bands bounce back in place
where tendons strain and snap
and green wood wickers when you want
where bones will bend and crack.
For seasons, fads, and lies return
but some things won’t come back.

Maim me I mar, bend me I break
I’m more fragile than I show.
There’s a limit to what I can take
as I have come to know.
Still transformation where much’s at stake
will resilient me as I grow.

So till my shatter in sheer array
I'll bend and bend again
to live at least one glorious day
the lithe life learned by man.