Sunday, May 19, 2013

Warm Fuzzies

I tend to wax philosophical when I run without music which, considering how overboard my musings tend to go, is probably why it's a good reason I don't do it very often. A few days ago I was running and I decided that this planet really all in all is a pretty fantastic place. Sometimes I feel like we spend so much time talking about how hard life is, how we have challenges to overcome and how the world is going to hell in a hand basket, how the country is all messed up, how you have to just push through the hard times no matter what. I'm not saying that there isn't trouble or pain or challenges that we have to go through--there absolutely is. We learn in the scriptures that these challenges and pains and the changes they cause us to make in ourselves are in a large way the purpose of our existence. Even with that, sometimes I think we focus on that so much that we miss the evidence of God's love and support that surround us.

I have a few deeply seeded beliefs--ones that I refuse to let go, ones that I am not likely to be talked out of no matter how convincing the argument. Beliefs that absolutely ring with truth. That people, when you give them the chance, really are good. That the universe IS on our side. That there really are few problems that we face that time and prayer can't diminish even if they won't cure them totally. That smiling makes everything feel better. That it really is what's on the inside that counts. That just being myself is enough. That no matter how many times I make dumb mistakes and mess up I will be able to somehow make it right with the help and support of my Savior. That each sunrise is like a promise of a brand new start.

The truth is that I feel like often we spend so much time looking inward and backward and forward that we miss on the spectacular view from outwards that is this fantastic thing called life. So as I ran down the street dripping sweat like a faucet I determined yet again that this world is a fantastic place to be and that I am going to live better in it, doing my best to keep my chin up, my face to the sun, and my heart open to the happiness all around me. Happy today everyone!

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