Happy Thanksgiving everyone! This year sent me somewhere completely new but there was still be turkey, pie, sweet potatoes, and of course my Grandma's pretzel jello salad of joy. Regardless of where I ate the big meal though, I have loads to be grateful for. So in no particular order, here are the first things that come to mind.
1- The gospel of Jesus Christ. This message is the base of all the good things in my life.
2- The Atonement of Jesus Christ that gives me hope for forever.
3- An amazing family. Seriously, the 7 people I hope to spend eternity with are among the most amazing people I have ever met.
4- My degree and all the help, friendship, guidance, and ice-cream-fueled-cry-myself-to-sleep-cause-I-can't-take-anymore nights that went into making it a reality.
5- Two jobs that I love--making my life a fantastically busy mess of greatness
6- A great boyfriend. I am not very good at this dating thing but he is both patient and kind which makes it fun.
7- Three funtastic roommates.
8- The Book of Mormon and the peace it brings
9- Agency--I love the power to make and learn from my own mistakes.
10- My testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ
11- My mission and the things I learned from it.
12- Playing the piano.
13- Beets-my new Hyndai. I wasn't sure about having a boy car, but it ends up he is great!
14- Pajama pants and sweatshirts cause they are so cuddly.
15- The Indianapolis Colts. Who is feeling Lucky!!!
16- The temple.
17- Texas--the state of greatness.
18- Texas--the family dog worthy of his illustrious name.
19- Good running shoes that make it so I can run without wanting to cut off my feet.
20- Good running weather
21- Playing the guitar
22- Mascara so I don't look like a man.
23- Raisins. They belong in EVERYTHING. End of story.
24- Open-faced chunky peanut butter and honey sandwiches on cinnamon raisin bread.
25- A living prophet to lead and guide the way
26- brownies
27- Dark chocolate covered raisins
28- sunlight--especially in November
29- Gullybuster rainstorms.
30- A rich family heritage and legacy--lots to aspire to
31- Learning how to crochet. My mom only tried to teach me 17 times before it stuck.
32- Nertz. One of my 3 talents.
33-An inspiring heritage
34- Christmas music (now I can listen to it--it's after Thanksgiving)
35- Happy music
36- Dryer sheets
37- My body--I love love love the human body--most amazing machine in the history of all history.
38- Learning--especially about the human body!
39- hot showers
40- indoor plumbing
41-When my favorite song comes on the radio and I am alone and can sing at the top of my lungs without shame
42- When my favorite song comes on the radio and I am with friends and we can sing at the top of our lungs together
43- Towels fresh from the drier
44- Chocolate chip oatmeal cookies with raisins (of course) fresh from the oven
45- The New Testament
46- The Old Testament (even though I can't always understand it)
47- A living prophet--a Moses in my day
48- General Conference
49- The internet--what did we do before we could get anything we wanted online?
50- Disney movies
51- Star gazing
52- Goodnight kisses after star gazing ; )
53- Warm summer rainstorms
54- Curling up with a blanket and a book during cold winter rainstorms
55- Personal revalation
56- Prayer
57- Taking the sacrament
58- Laughing until my stomach hurts
59- Smiling until my face hurts
60- Modern medication for when I really hurt
61- Watching football with my Daddy
62- Memories of playing games with my family
63- Memories of doing dishes with my family
64- Cell phones that let me call my family when I can't play games and do dishes with them
65- My adorable new nephew
66- Captain America--my beta fish.
67- Clean drinking water
68- Dreams
69- Goals
70- Standing in the sand on the beach while the tide is going out
71- The smell of fresh cut grass
72- The smell of eggs cooking in the morning
73- curly hair--it's crazy and ridiculous and fun and easy to fix
74- Sitting criss-cross-applesauce
75- Children laughing
76- Getting hugs from my PT kids
77- My testimony of the plan of salvation and the direction it gives my life
78- Hymns--especially "More Holiness Give Me"
79- My parents' marriage that shows me that marriage can be a fantastic thing
80- Homemade bread with honey butter
81- Tulips-- the most dignified bulb there is
82- Daisies-- the friendly flower
83- Live music
84- Air Conditioning
85- Sunsets
86- Making someone smile
87- Airplanes--especially the ones that take me home
88- Cute clothes that make me feel confident
89- Forgiveness
90- Burt Bees chapstick. Mmmmm tingly
91- Sweet potato fries
92- coconut shrimp
93- cooking with my mom
94- Japanese Cherry Blossom flavored lotion from Bath and Body Works
95- Christmas lights
96- The temple and the promises I make with Heavenly Father there
97- Things that don't work out... cause then sometimes, something else does work out... sometimes something better
98- Our bishopric--My calling would be just about impossible without their support
99- Korea--the smells (mostly garlic), the sounds, the tastes (mostly garlic again) and best of all the amazing people
100-The army of friends, family, and mentors that have made my life a fantastic place
I have so very much to be thankful for. God is so very good to me. I could go on and on, but I have 2 jobs (both of which I am thankful for) to get to tomorrow.
1 comment:
Happy thanks giving to you as well, I really like this occasion but sadly we don't have it in our country. This is really good list, thank you for sharing it with us
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