Tuesday, February 12, 2013

My personal 10 commandments of health

What I have learned from my recent health issues (whether I can follow them or not, these are my new goals):

  1. Eat more- because eating is heavenly, and your body doesn't do so well without food
  2. Stress less- because there are things I can change, and things I can't and stressing doesn't change either type
  3. Live in the moment- because the next moment will come whether you enjoy this one or not
  4. Smile- it really does make you and those around you feel better.
  5. Eat dark chocolate- because it's delicious, and everyone needs a little bit of sweet darkness in their lives
  6. Learn to accept the help of others- because sometimes it's too hard to do everything on your own
  7. Sleep at night- because if you don't you will find yourself sleeping other times, and that can cause problems
  8. Read your scriptures first- cause otherwise you might not make time, and it's a great way to wake up
  9. If you're body is doing something because you're too stressed out, don't stress about your body doing it cause that just makes whatever it's doing that much worse. I'm sad to say a doctor had to tell me that one.
  10. It's alright to take a sick day! Sometimes your body needs you more than everyone else.
  11. And one to grow on- sometimes "me time" is some of the most important time of your week. Take it!

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