Sunday, October 28, 2012

Why I am still Single

While it is an established truth that few things are more irritating than being asked "Why are you still single?" This is something I have recently had reason to reflect on briefly and I officially have made a decision. For the record, I strongly believe that I am NOT single because a loving Heavenly Father wants me to be single.

I agree that there are many lessons I have to learn and that God has the wonderful ability to make any situation a wonderful one that will help me to learn the things He wants me to learn. However, I do not believe that He is purposely keeping me single until I learn those lessons. I also do not believe that He has one specific person for me to marry that He is waiting to "introduce me to", I don't believe He has some master blue-print that requires that I remain single until 32 years and 5 months in order to match evenly with some quota, and I do not believe He levies singlehood as a punishment for some misdeed.

I am mostly likely single because of a combination of circumstance, personality quirks, decisions I made, and decisions of those around me. Because Heavenly Father loves me He has been able to make my life something wonderful and exciting. He accomplished this not by manipulating my life such that I stay single, but by working with the life that I have and sending me more blessings than I will ever deserve. He loves me, and I love Him and He will not give up on me. Still I hold strong to the belief that while God is the reason I am happy while I am single, He is not the reason I am single while I am happy.

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