Monday, November 7, 2011

Because sometimes life turns into a big happy mess

So this one is cheesy and the rhymes are fair at best, but I wrote it between talks at stake conference last week because my life is wonderful but nothing at all like I planned. Bwahaha.

The Gardener

A current bush--a simple plant
but oh the tale it tells
of when with love the gardener
inflicted great travail.

For through the sun and wind and rain
the bush with all its might
had through exhaustive energy
improved both breadth and height.

The bush, once meek and unnoticed
became a sight to see.
For all who saw admired
the aspiring current-tree.

The bush-tree grew to balking size
its trunk was stout and strong,
its leaves were round and plentiful,
its branches thick and long.

The bush's height was impressive,
its width expansive too.
Never mind that the current berries
grew bitter, dwarfed, and few.

Until one hard defining day
--the day the gardener came--
the bush was pruned and slashed and cut
leaving sticks and twigs and shame.

And then, in prickly pining pleas,
with sticky sappy sighs,
the bush implored the gardener
in crinkled craggy cries;

"How could you do this to me now?
this isn't what I planned!
I did not put my effort forth
to be cut down at your hand.

I believed you loved me.
You promised me your aid.
And you've always been so generous
with water, food and shade--

I've worked so hard to grow and bloom
I long to be a tree"
the gardener said in quiet tones,
"You should not counsel me.

I am the gardener here," he said,
"I bought you at great cost.
My dream for you is greater still
than the one you say you've lost.

I know its hard to understand
I know you may not see,
but my vision for you is greater far
than any meager tree."

So when you feel cut down and beat,
and life gets out of hand--
remember, He's the Gardener
and He has greatness planned.

1 comment:

Mego said...

That was beautiful. Gosh I miss you!!