These are just a few points regarding us single folks that I feel would be useful to report to the married world at large. Please know these are not complaints or frustrations so much as friendly informational dudats that my personal experiences have led me to believe are not common knowledge to all those in the afore mentioned group.
1-Believe it or not, we are aware that we are single. We are not under the delusion that there is a spouse hidden in the clutter at home in the closet or under the bed.
2-following the back of that message, We are aware that in order to cease our single state we are required to find said spouse somewhere that is not our closet, which means we must meet people of the opposite gender, date them, and eventually either offer or accept a proposal. Although we clearly have not been successful in following such a pattern thus far, we are aware of its existence.
3-Two people need to have more in common than being single in order to be "made for each other". Living within a few thousand miles of each other, having some semblance of similar goals, and some common ground to use for conversational basis are all good starters.
4-Believe it or not, we are aware that there are other single people out there. I suppose a few of us could almost qualify as living in a cave when the cleanliness of our dwelling places is considered, but even these individuals are capable of finding single people of the opposite gender somewhere.
5-We do have lives and goals and successes outside of our blaring dating failures. Your own life, our school, work, family, weather, even politics are all acceptable conversational strains you can feel free to venture into if you ever get tired of asking us why we aren't married. I can almost promise we will be willing, even happy for the change.
6-Singledom is not a disease, a failing, a fault, a personality quirk, or a disability. It is a situation; usually temporary and always noncontagious. Feel free to interact with us without fear of contamination, and go ahead and treat us as you would any married friend.
7-We are already aware that babies are cute, weddings are beautiful, and growing up is grand. You need not hint about these things.
8-Haircuts, diets, new wardrobes, and improved cooking skills are all great things but they may or may not "win" us a spouse. If all it took was a set of highlights or a cooking class you can bet we probably would have done so by now without your instruction.
9-On that same strain, pointing out every fatal flaw that you feel keeps us single is not helpful. Thanks anyway.
10-we love you. We appreciate you. We know that your advice, hints, counsel, and matchmaking attempts are given because you love us and want us to be happy. We long to be happily married too and are grateful for your help. If we are short or don't listen as well as we should it is because we are a little bit frightened and frustrated ourselves. Please forgive us. It is sometimes harder than it should be to be single.
Anywho, just some thoughts I've had bobbing around in my cerebral soup. I'm a happy kiddo. Enjoying life, hopeful for the future, and anxious to be the best I can be. I am surrounded by wonderful people--married and single--who love me and who I love. Life is good.
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