The story of the ugly duckling is an intriguing one. I can't think of anyone who at one point or other who hasn't winced just a little bit after looking into the mirror or after an especially vigorous bout of self-examination. I know I have perfected the wince myself. I know in my head I'm not pathetic and hopeless and disgusting and horrible but sometimes I forget. I don't think I'm unique here--I think everyone does. I have met scores of wonderful individuals who refuse to believe they are as good as I see they are. I think the world, in fact, is chuck full of people like this--so amazing, so remarkable and worthwhile that it is a tragedy we can't get to know them all, yet these same extraordinary individuals see themselves as forgettable, friendless, and in some tragic cases even worthless. I'd like to throw out to the universe that the true God who made us doesn't make mistakes. I am convinced that at some point in everyone's life there is a moment. Call me a romantic, I don't care, but I think there is a moment when you come to the edge of everything you know about yourself and you are forced to begin down that dreaded path of anonymity, taking a few steps into the darkness with nothing but faith that everything will turn out alright and you aren't heading toward the destruction of all you've ever dreamed of. Whether you are heading off to school on your own, pursuing a dream everyone is convinced you will fail at, going after the one you're half sure will reject you, accepting the little pink X, or flying off into the crowd of beautiful birds you are taking your moment and creating your future. I am also half convinced that whenever we forgo these journeys into the unknown, whenever we watch the flock pass by as it were we are minutely changing our destiny--not in a way that is irreparable or permanent, but enough opportunities passed by must, by their very lack of existence change us from the person we could have been into the person we are. Luckily life is about consistency and if one opportunity is gone it is common practice for another to fill the void soon after it passes. We are swans. We are not meant to wallow in the shallows of mediocrity. Go take your place.

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