Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Beautiful Oregon Coast

So after finishing my internship in Medford, OR I took a long leisurly drive dipping first down into Calinfornia to see the Redwood Forest then up along the coast to get to my next internship destination. This was absolutely some of the most beautiful scenery and atmosphere I have ever seen ever. I felt guilty and bloated trying to absorb it all by myself it was so pretty!

The Redwood Forest

This is called the family tree. It's trippy. If you look close you can see other trees growing out of the branches, sending their roots into the main branches of the mother tree and getting their nourishment that way. The sign said there were 12 trees in all from this single trunk. You can see one really well in the right corner.

These guys are 297 feet(ish) tall 

This is called the Cathedral Tree--it is 9 trees all growing together, using the same roots system

This is a fallen tree that had several (maybe 6?) new trees growing out of it.

This isn't a great picture cause I made it look like a branch, but this is a tree growing sideways. Wild, eh?

This is a petrified tree ring they have at the entrance--it shows how old the tree was before it finally died.

After the Redwoods I went to the Oregon Coast Aquarium. I love aquariums, maybe even more than zoos, and this one was pretty cool.

These birds literally fly through the water--not swim, they flap their wings, tuck their feet, and fly underwater. It's pretty bizarre. They also have this oily stuff on their feathers that makes them look like they are covered in metal underwater.

The ceiling in one of those walk-through aquarium. I really couldn't take a picture of this that was awesome enough to make you see how cool it is.

Jelly fish--one of the weirdest animals in the ocean.

So it was pretty much an awesome trip. So breathtakingly gorgeous! God sure did an excellent job on this area.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


I am happy. I can say that without reservation, apology, or explanation. I am happy. I love being happy. I love to laugh and smile and absorb the beauty and grace of the world around me like sunshine penetrating through my pores.  This really is a magical time of the year. I feel like everything around me is doing its very best to announce the love of God. The way the rain brightens and cleans the very air we breath, the way the sunshine glitters off the baby flower buds is almost magic, the way the trees, flower beds, and even people's wardrobes suddenly explode into color, and the way everything smells fresh and new. We are emerging out of winter like refugees desperate for the sun, and there it is to greet us!

I am currently in Vancouver, Washington and I see the sun about twice a week, but somehow that makes it even more exciting each time I do. I think I am in love. I spend every work day with a group of some of the most adorable kids you could ever ask to meet. They have been sent to this earth with bodies that can't do all of the things mine can, but they still manage to inspire me every day. The smile of a child is magic, especially when the child is beloved and trust me when I tell you, it is impossible not to fall in love with these kids.

Perhaps my favorite part is that this whole season preaches resurrection, rebirth, and renewal. Happiness. Just like the planet gets to remake itself each spring, I have the chance to reshape my attitude, the kids I get to spend time with will be given re-formed perfected bodies, and best of all I have the gift of opportunity to remake myself through the grace of my Savior. All of these second chances are made possible by the matchless gift He has offered to all of mankind--His perfect life, the atonement, and the triumphant resurrection where He overcame every last obstacle that was facing all of us. He has won every battle we or anyone will ever fight ever--all we have to do is join His side and allow Him to take over our own trials and difficulties. How can I not feel happy? He lives! He really does. The tomb, the mob, the grave, and every other person, dominion, or power that would try and hold him has failed forever, and Jesus Christ, Savior of the world, has won for and in behalf of all of mankind. This is the happiest news ever to sound anywhere I am a happy girl.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Sister Burton!

This beautiful woman is Sister Linda K Burton--the new general Relief Society president for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

This is another picture of her (you will see her in the back in a green shirt with a black jacket) As you can see, she was my mission president's wife! I am way beyond excited. She will be amazing as RS president. I will miss Sister Beck, but I am ecstatic to see and hear her again. YAYAY!!!